The pics4peace

In our diary you can follow what pics4peace is doing. We are not always on time with our entries. We are also not yet completely finished with the translations into English. Because we work on a voluntary basis. You will get an insight in any case.

We would be happy if you have an idea for a joint project or if you want to participate in one of them. Get in touch! We are also interested in your opinion. Just write us on Instagram at @_pics4peace_ or by mail at

Have fun browsing!

All Diary Entries

Theater Kids of Gersthofen in „Robinson &…

RAP Europa Flow online

Waldkirchen defends Constitutional Rights

Hof creative: Endangered Democracy - Our…

pics4peace on Spotify, Apple and Amazon with…

Theater Kids in Gersthofen - NEW!

Theater Rehearsal in Dachau

Dachau Theater Kids on Stage

The Importance of Women

"better together" Transatlantic Art…

"Hannah and Elisabeth"

Generation Dialogue

Theater Kids visit Indersdorf

The Dachau Theater Kids`play is ready!

Contemporary Witness Talk ...

Theater in Dachau - Meeting of Partners

Media Project on YouTube - Intro u. Julius

(2) Transatlantic Art Project "better…

(1) Transatlantic Art Project "better…

Poetry & Politics - Poetry Slam Workshop with…

Music connects People - We invited to dance…

Salsa rhythms with Mozart??? YES!

ROMINA`S New Illustrations

Lilly`s News


Verena`s News

Daniel’s Concert for Corona Heroes and Sick…

MAX' news


Video of the workshop on prejudice online


Prejudices in our Mind

ROMINAS Illustrations


IDA'S News

Knife Attack and Call for Help


MP Artice about our Media and Digital Project




Media and Digital Project 2021/2022

Prejudices against Women

"My Tasks in our World" with Thorsten, PEACE…

"My Life with Music" with Rameen aka Mack,…

Christmas Letter and ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20

"Volunteering: More than just a hobby" with…

"How experiences abroad shape lives" with…

"Make. Women. Strong" with Katharina Rößner.…

"Regularly Behind Bars: Talking and Playing…

"Against Social Isolation in Corona Times"…

"Between News, Fakes and Conspiracy Theories…

"Helping Refugees Get Their Rights" with…

"Forced Prostitution in Germany" with Susanne…

"Muslims, Jews And Christians. Is that…

"Between Life and Death" Live Premiere Peace…

Insta-TV and Video Podcast in the Works

Creative Poster Campaign for Local Election

Remembering without a View to the Future…

Nancy Pelosi's Message to Us

iF WORLD DESIGN AWARD for pics4peace!

Our WINNERS 2019

Theater Project Published as Book

Premiere in Augsburg with our Theaterkids

Radiant Winners

pics4peace Platform wins International Design…

pics4peace Theater Kids in Würzburg - Scars,…

SZ: "10.000 Visitors at pics4peace" - Your…

Your Statements to Europe - WOW!

pics4peace and U&D 2019 with Film

U&D Festival 2019 with pics4peace:…

The Postman Always Rings Twice

Integration, Plant and Climate Protection,…

Surprising Parcel - bueroparallel sent a…

Voice of the Youth is Heard - Balance after…

Jana from egoFM about European Election and…

Leuchtsignal Video of the Many on YouTube

Bamberg: What 100 students of BS III expect…

In the Hall of Mirrors in Coburg Europe came…

Radio GONG and Radio CHARIVARI support…

Anna at BR TV about pics4peace

Our Song for Europe "Leuchtsignal" (Light…

#leuchtsignal song4europe Video Shoot

So such a Theater (3) - Play stands! :-)

"What do I Judge People By?"

SZ writes: Courage for Peace and Democracy

How Do People Radicalize?

Young people from Mannheim discuss with…

International Short Film Week in Regensburg…

March, 16 in 1945 (Destruction of Würzburg)…

What Role Does Theater Play Today? - Coburg…

Such a Theater - Tuesdays in Augsburg (2)

Annual Review 2018 finished as a Video

Film "Book Burning 4.0" Online!

Such a Theater - Tuesdays in Augsburg (1)

Mainpost about the Winners of the "Against…

pics4peace Founder Interviewed by SZ Author…

Congrats to you! - You Were Great!

Audit by Chan-jo Jun

Impressive Contributions And Appeals From…

"We Need to Get to Know Each Other," Says…

Hot Conversations at 5 Degrees Cold -…

punsch4peace Nov., 21 - What moves people…

What Anne Frank Would Say Today

How Children Learn about War

Young people: Remembering Alone Is Not Enough

Seven Boxes of Jewish Material

"Courage to Tell the Truth" as Supporting…

University Interdisciplinary Involved!

"NO NEWS - Book Burning 4.0".

Setting Positive Examples Against Enemy Image…

pics4peace Program at International Frankfurt…

Our Website is up and running - We are…

pics4peace on Stage at the Unterfrankenmesse…

The Countdown for the Book Fair is on!

Quickly Another Video...

2 Years in Prison, Because He Wanted to Be…

Democracy Café by pics4peace

Youth Consultation Hour of the Mayor of…

What Do Young People Want From Church And…

Exhibition Moves on to the Municipal Library

"DO SOMETHING!" - pics4peace Workshop

Created by Pia Beckmann

Letter to the Author of "Kontrovers"

Tense Exhibition Atmosphere at the Fortress

War Can Come Quickly

It All Started With The Artist Workshop -…

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