Youth Consultation Hour of the Mayor of Würzburg

During the Long Night of Democracy, pics4peace and the Lord Mayor invited to a consultation hour only for young people. The young people of Würzburg were able to talk to their city leader Christian Schuchardt at eye level in their city library. There were no taboos, as it says at the beginning. But all beginnings are difficult. The young people were shy at first and hesitant to speak. But the uncomplicated manner of the OB made it easier for some of them. In addition, the OB offered to be available afterwards for a one-on-one discussion for anything that one did not want to address publicly. That was cool.
During the event, however, we participants also got an example of how communication doesn't work: a middle-aged woman stormed into the middle of it and shouted loudly: "No one here cares about my concerns! But this is important!!! I'm talking now. No, I won't be turned away!", and so on. Surely this woman also had a legitimate concern and probably also great need.

 Nevertheless, communication that is supposed to work goes differently. Respect for other people and mutual consideration are not just a matter of politeness, but absolutely necessary!

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