Media Review
More about pics4peace

Here you will find a selection of articles, links to TV or radio reports about pics4peace or in context with our cause.

Information and motivation, the bridge to more understanding

It is very important to be reported: On the one hand, the public is informed about what we are doing. This can lead to motivating others to join in and also stand up for freedom rights, democracy and peace.

On the other hand, of course, decision-makers in politics, business and society also learn through the media's work and through our activities on the web that there is a strong young community that has something to say about shaping the future. The media thus always also fulfill the role of a bridge that can lead to greater understanding of the other side.

Our allies

At the same time, the media hold up a mirror to politics and society. They take a critical look at what is happening, report on it and thus exercise a control function. Some even call them "watchdogs of democracy." So they are our natural allies.

Reports about pics4peace

Created by Mainpost

Time for Open Discussion Culture

Created by SZ

10,000 Visitors at "pics4peace"

Young Musicians for Europe

SZ: Courage for Peace and Democracy

[English coming soon] Mainpost zum…

[English coming soon] Jahresrückblick 2018…

[English coming soon] Lassen sich junge Leute…

[English coming soon] pics4peace-Gründerin im…

[English coming soon] Mainpost zu…

[English coming soon] Jugendliche erinnern an…

[English coming soon] FHWS engagiert sich…

[English coming soon] pics4peace mit Kunst in…

[English coming soon] pics4peace im…

[English coming soon] Metropolnews Frankfurt…

[English coming soon] Demokratie bewegt

[English coming soon] Lange Nacht der…

[English coming soon] Ohne Berührungsängste

Created by Mainpost

[English coming soon] Mut zur Wahrheit beim…

[English coming soon] Sommerinterview am…

[English coming soon] Junger Hafen mit…

[English coming soon] Gemeindejubiläum mit…

Created by Mainpost

[English coming soon] Jung, demokratisch und…

Created by SZ

[English coming soon] Die langen Schatten des…

Created by Mainpost

[English coming soon] Jugendliche äußern…

Created by TV Mainfranken

[English coming soon] pics4peace: Kunst und…

Created by Wolf-Dietrich Weissbach

[English coming soon] Kontrovers

Created by TV Mainfranken

[English coming soon] pics4peace – Kunst für…

Created by Weltexpresso

[English coming soon] pics4peace -…

Created by Mainpost

[English coming soon] Mit Kunst gegen…